Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church
2930 W. Broad Street Columbus OH 43204 614-276-5433
Food Pantry
The exact date that Hoge began running a food pantry is unknown. We know for sure it was prior to 1978. We do know that the Deacons of Hoge ran the food pantry. At one early point food calls came from a group called Westside FISH. The Deacon who oversaw a particular month would get both perishable and non-perishable food items and deliver it to the client. Eventually clients were asked to pick up the food at the church. In the early years, the food pantry would serve less than a hundred families each month.
Several years ago, the pantry was moved from a single room to the opposite end of the hall. It was enlarged to 4 rooms, with shelves and pallets. We usually serve over 100 families a month.
Many volunteers are a part of the food pantry operation. The onsite coordinator takes care of the ordering and the administrative tasks required by the Mid-Ohio Food Collective. The volunteer coordinator notifies all the volunteers of upcoming deliveries and days of operation. On the days we are open, volunteers do intake, take people around to shop, gather refrigerated items, frozen items, and hygiene kits, as well as restock as needed.
The food pantry is open the last two consecutive Tuesdays and Wednesdays each month from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. The days we are open are published on this website’s calendar. We serve up to 40 clients each day from the following zip codes: 43204, 43223, 43228. First time clients need to bring a photo identification and a piece of mail that shows proof of their current address. Once clients are signed in a volunteer takes them through the shop through pantry where clients make guided choices based on household size. Clients are welcome to come to the pantry once each month.
If you or your organization or church would like to assist this ministry please contact the Hoge church office at (614) 276 – 5433 or through our contact page at this site. With one of the largest food pantries on the Hilltop, Hoge is once again in a position to help feed the community both physically and spiritually.