Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church
2930 W. Broad Street Columbus OH 43204 614-276-5433
The Two Church Buildings of Hoge
29 South Eureka Avenue - 1907
Actually Hoge began in a building that was erected for other purposes. They met there for a short time before they moved to this building. Offered below are two of the functions that went on in the first chruch building.
The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society
"In 1907 a Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society was organized with eight members enrolled. Meetings have been successively conducted once a month. The object, according to the Constitution, is "to unite the women of the Church in prayer for the evangelization of America and by diffusing information to secure systematic contributions for the support of Mission Schools and such other work as is carried on by the Woman's Board." This splendid goal has been sustained through these years. There has been a steady growth in membership. All aportionments have been promptly met. Barrel donations have been annually sent to the Mountaineers. Pound donations of groceries, and relief. Special foreign relief appeals have been answered. The newly elected officers can only hope to carry on this splendid work, so well begun. The first President was Mrs. W.H. Deems who was followed by Mesdames Hatfield, Haller, Davis, C.C. Cook, E.B. Hugens,Sperry, and Finley, President; Mrs. J.W. Dinsmore,Vice President; Mrs. W.D. Hughes, Secretary; Mrs. T.A. Jones, Treasurer."
The Personal Workers Bible Class
The "Woman's Bible class" was organized in 1914, consisting of twenty members, with Mrs. Daniel Churton as president. Two years later the name was changed to "The Personal Workers Class." One member of the Class has been called to her rest (Mrs. John Millikin). In organization, in strength and numbers the Class has grown until thirty-eight are enrolled, one family in Christ. Of the amount raised this year, $1137.00, $70.00 were give to missions. Cheer has been given to the sick in the form of floral offerings. Christian sociability has been advanced by social-business meetings held monthly. The great object of the Class is Christian service and personal work in soul saving. Our motto for this year is: "More Souls Saved for Christ." Our aim will be: "Every one of the Thirty-eight members present every Sabbath morning on time at 9:15 A. M., ready for service."
2930 W. Broad Street - 1954 to Present
Other areas of this site will tell you the early history of this building and up to the present. Be sure and visit the other pages to get the whole picture of Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church