Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church
2930 W. Broad Street Columbus OH 43204 614-276-5433
The following is a listing and biography of each of the pastors and major interims that have filled the pulpit at Hoge since the beginning. In addition a section called “ We Remember “ will follow each biography. The more input that we receive from you or those close to you, the more we can all feel a personal connection with these pastors that can be shared with generations to come. There is no limit to the number of memories you can provide. The more, the better.
Name Sake Rev. James Hoge
1907 – 1918 James H. Hatfield
1919 – 1926 Richard E. Shields
1926 – 1939 Harry C. Hutchison
1939 – 1960 Alfred J. Wold
???? - ???? John C. Taylor ( Assistant Pastor under Rev. Wold )
1960 – 1964 Calvin W. Didier
???? - ???? Ralph M. Martin ( Assistant Pastor under Rev. Didier )
1965 – 1973 Robert W. Gish
1975 – 1998 Hans H. Klee
1998 – 2000 G. Kenneth Schafer ( Interim Pastor )
2000 – 2001 Judith Birdsall
2002 – 2004 Mark McCalla
2004 – 2007 James Arnot ( Interim Pastor )
2007 – 2012 Heather Leigh Holder-Bobo
2012 – 2015 Ed Sensenbrenner (2012-2016)