Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church
2930 W. Broad Street Columbus OH 43204 614-276-5433
Visiting Pastors
We now have a part-time pastor who preaches twice a month (usually the first and third Sunday) and who finds ministers, listed below, to fill the pulpit the other Sundays.
Thomas A. Billman is our part-time pastor. Tom was born and raised in Indiana and comes from a long line of Calvinist Presbyterians. Tom received a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Purdue University, and has had a professional career in sales. A member of Covenant Presbyterian Church since 1995, Tom has served as a Ruling Elder for 9 years, 6 of those being Clerk of Session. Tom has completed his Certified Ruling Elder program through the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and been Certified as a Ruling Elder by The Presbytery of Scioto Valley. He accepted an offer to be the part-time pastor at Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church, on September 1, 2019 . Tom and his wife, Linda, have 5 adult children and 6 grandchildren, and he enjoys singing with The Harmony project, spending time with his family, gardening, and playing golf.
If you would like to see who has preached at Hoge from 2016 to 2021 see Who's in Our Pulpit
Rev. Dr. Tracy Keenan - Tracy received a BS in Education from Duquesne U., Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary), and Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from McCormick Theological Seminary. She lends her musical background to ministry at Covenant and provides music and worship leadership for synod, presbytery, and seminary events. At Covenant since 2004, she finds much joy in working with folks here. She is married to Jim Mehler, ordained Presbyterian minister and Parish Associate at Covenant. They have two daughters, Susan and Tori.
Rev. Katie Kinnison. - Katie is in the midst of her life with her children, seminary classes, and life with the community of Covenant. With an M.A. in English and doctoral work in how we make meaning when we read, Katie loves engaging the bible -- especially with other people. A trained Stephen Leader, Katie works with Stephen Ministers at Covenant, and has a passion for spiritual direction. Before coming to Covenant, Katie was Director of Christian Education at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Dublin, OH, for 6 years. As a single mom of three teenage daughters, she knows how much families need support, and Katie works with families in a variety of ministries.
Rev. Keith Jones - Keith lives in Columbus with his wife and three children. He served as Associate Pastor at Lakeside Presbyterian Church and as Head Minister of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga Tennessee for six and a half years.
Rev. Charlotte O’Neil is a Teaching Elder member of the Scioto Valley Presbytery. Since her ordination 12 years ago, she has served a number of congregations in this presbytery and beyond as a transitional pastor. Currently Rev. O’Neil is the Campus Minister for UKirk OSU, the Presbyterian Campus Ministry at The Ohio State University. She lives in Columbus with her husband John, and has two grown children.
Susan Warrener Smith was Associate Pastor at Indianola Presbyterian Church from 1996-2009 and was made Associate Pastor Emerita in 2011. She received her B.A. in history of art from Boston University, her M.A. in history of art from the University of Michigan, and her Ph.D. in theological and religious studies with a concentration in medieval spirituality from Drew University in Madison, N.J. She was ordained in Newark Presbytery where she served at both the congregational and presbytery level and taught religious studies at Seton Hall University. In the Presbytery of Scioto Valley she has served on various committees over the years.. Her life in retirement includes in town and out of town family, supply preaching, a Bible study at Indianola, writer’s group, book club, photography club and memberships in the Columbus Torch Club and Clintonville Woman’s; Club as well as serving on the board of the Chrichton Club. Enjoys daily long walks with her beagle.
Jim Mehler is Parish Associate at Covenant Presbyterian Church. He is retired (sort of) after having served congregations for over 40 years (and counting). He enjoys riding his motorcycle, kayaking, and golf. In January he started running for the first time and has completed two 5K challenges.
Scott Braswell was ordained in 2005 after being the first MDiv student to graduate from the Genesis Class of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte, NC. After ten years in the pastorate, Scott went to Covenant as a minister in transition, once more immersed in seminary pursuing a Master of Arts in Counseling Ministries at Methodist Theological School in Ohio. Scott has always had a real heart for youth ministry and was excited to be part of the Covenant staff. He has been an adult adviser to three Presbyterian Youth Trienniums (2001, '07, & '13), and has served at every level of ministry: GA, Synod, Presbytery, & Congregational. (He really loves being Presbyterian!) Troy is married to Cynthia and has three sons, Ian, Joel, & Jackson.
Rev. Dean Roush is a retired United Methodist Pastor and lives with his wife, Barbara in Hilliard. They have five children and seven grandchildren. We appreciate his faithful preaching ministry. He is a 1953 graduate of Strasburg High He grew up in Columbia, located between Strasburg and Dover, and attended Wooster Highway Elementary and Otterbein College. Rev. Roush served in the ministry for 40 years and retired from Smith Corners United Methodist Church in Austintown near Youngstown. After graduating with a bachelor of arts degree from Otterbein College, he entered United Theological Seminary in Dayton where he received a Mastery of Divinity degree. During his ministry Rev. Roush served at six churches.
Julie Oswalt was born and raised in a church manse, it is no wonder that Julie Oswalt decided to go into the ministry. She is currently a third year seminary student at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio in Delaware, Ohio. Julie is pursuing a Master’s of Divinity with a Specialization in Biblical Languages & Texts - Hebrew & Greek. Julie is seeking ordination in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She is a member of the London First Presbyterian Church.
Ed Wilson is filled with the energy of spreading God’s word and serving Him in the Westside community. He is a graduate of The Ohio Christian University with a BA in Leadership in Ministry. He has been and is a Ministerial Student of the Wesleyan Church, as well as serving weekly at HM3 singing and preaching. He is on the Board of the Westside Urban Ministry, Presbytery of Scioto Valley. Ed is married to Robin and has three boys at home, William, Christopher and Garrick. He enjoys seeing the church going out into the world and enable peop0le to fulfill their calling in God’s kingdom.
Wayne Morrison retired June first after a 29year pastorate at First Presbyterian in Eaton, Ohio. He and his wife Betsy, also retired, relocated to Columbus to be closer to two of their three daughters and two of their three grandchildren. Reverend Wayne has recently retired from part time Parrish associate for visitation and pastoral care at Worthington Presbyterian. While at Eaton Wayne became a friend to Ed and Lois Sensenbrenner; go Bucks!
Rudolph (Rudy) William Smith, born August 15, 1931 in Columbus, Ohio. He lived on Clifton Avenue across from the St. Anthony’s Hospital, around which was a very high brick wall to protect the scrumptious fruit on its fruit trees and keep out the neighborhood “Black darling angels”. Neither the brick wall nor the Nuns could keep the fruit from Rudy and his childhood friends. Rudolph graduated from Morehouse College and the Interdenominational Theological Center of Atlanta, Ga. He Pastored in Atlanta, Rome and Dalton, Ga., and Pittsfield and Framingham, Ma. And he retired from Peace Presbyterian Church of Louisville, Ky. after 24 years of pastoring at Peace. Rudolph has been retired since 1997 serving on many committees of Presbytery of Scioto Valley and serving as Supply Pastor to many Presbyterian Congregations. He enjoys driving Ms. Daisy to her Church meetings over the country. Ms. Daisy is his wife (Joyce Ann Bowen Smith) of 56 years and the mother of their 3 adult children. They have seven Grand Children and 9 Great Grand Children. And he has a blast being Presbyterian while being black; it creates some interesting situations.
Gary Brose is a Member at Large of the Presbytery of Scioto Valley. He has served churches in Kentucky, Michigan, and in various churches in Ohio. He is a chaplain with Capital City Hospice. He lives in Grove City.
Denise Stone is a member at Parkview Presbyterian in Reynoldsburg. She is currently ordained in the American Baptist Tradition and is a candidate for ordination in the PCUSA. Denise works at McGraw-Hill Education. Originally from Kentucky, she has lived in Ohio for 12 years. She is married and has 2 daughters, 4 grandchildren and 1 on the way.
O. Douglas Taylor was ordained as an Evangelical United Brethren pastor following graduation from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, a United Methodist school in the Chicago area. He is a certified chaplain under the United Methodist Church and a member of the Northern Illinois Conference. He has served as a chaplain with the mentally retarded and the mentally ill and was the founding pastor of Faith United Methodist Church in Columbus during his college years at Otterbein College. He served many years as a tent maker pastor while working in health care and business consulting. He has served the Presbytery of the Scioto Valley as an interim pastor at Nelsonville Presbyterian Church, Calvin Presbyterian Church and as a Transitional Pastor at Jackson First Presbyterian Church as well as a pulpit supply pastor within the Presbytery. He has completed 2 Transitional Pastor training programs at the request of the Presbytery. Doug is retired from the business world and is the blessed Grandpa to four wonderful grandchildren.
Joan Bolinger received her BSN from the Ohio State University and worked for many years as a nurse. She graduated from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in 2007. She was ordained in the PCUSA after completing residency training at Riverside Methodist Hospital. She worked as a hospital chaplain at the OSU Wexner Medical Center for 6 years before leaving. Since then she have done pulpit supply and serve on the Care Task Team for the Presbytery.
Thomas A. Billman was born and raised in Indiana and comes from a long line of Calvinist Presbyterians. Tom received a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Purdue University, and has had a professional career in sales. A member of Covenant Presbyterian Church since 1995, Tom has served as a Ruling Elder for 9 years, 6 of those being Clerk of Session. Tom is currently enrolled in the Certified Ruling Elder program through The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and when completed, he will serve The Presbytery of Scioto Valley as a Commissioned Ruling Elder. Tom and his wife, Linda have 5 adult children and 3 grandchildren, and he enjoys singing with The Harmony Project, spending time with his family, gardening, and playing golf.
Rev. Susan Kroeker studied theology at Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Fresno, California and has served in urban chaplaincy roles and hospice chaplaincy roles. She loves hiking, traveling and meandering outdoors. She currently lives in the Columbus area with her husband and two children.
Reverend Betsy Rice, Pastor for Member Ministries Betsy graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in 1986 and earned a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1992. Prior to WPC she served for seven years as Parish Associate for pastoral care at First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak, Michigan. She was a Supply Preacher for the Presbytery of Detroit, for 16 years and for nine years, served as a member or Co-Chair on the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. In her first call, Betsy served as an Associate Pastor at Fox Valley Presbyterian Church, Geneva, Illinois for seven years. Her husband is Rev. Tom Rice, and they have two sons—Daniel and Andrew
Jack Petersen - As a child he can remember being Christened in a Presbyterian church in Chicago, prior to the outbreak of World War II. Jack grew up in many churches, including Lutheran and Baptist. He took ministerial training at Xenos Christian Fellowship in Columbus. He was set to be ordained and co-head a church when disaster struck. He then taught classes and/or Sunday school and /or preached in several Columbus Churches including Alliance Church in Westerville, Church of St. Edward, Whitehall and Vineyard Columbus. Jack is presently a member of College Presbyterian Church in Westerville.
Rev. M. Stephen (Steve) Merold) was born in Cumberland , Md., raised in West Virginia and Akron, Ohio, educated at University of Akron and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, served churches in Missouri and Ohio. Is now honorably retired by Presbytery of Scioto Valley and Pastor Emeritus of Outville Presbyterian Church. He is married to Kae, who is pastor of Outville Church. He is father of 5 and grandfather of 11. He spends most of his time visiting 3 children and 9 grandchildren in Toledo, Ohio, providing pastoral services to and volunteering at churches, gardening vegetables and flowers, raising and propagating African violets and doing projects assigned by Kae.
Cynthia McKay - I am a lifelong member of Boulevard Presbyterian Church in Grandview Height where I was baptized, ordained as an elder when I was 16 (yes, 16, they waited until I could drive myself to meetings), and married. As a Commission Ruling Elder, I served the Bremen-Bethel Congregation in Bremen, Ohio for almost 8 years. Following my retirement from BBPC, I was commissioned by the Presbytery of Scioto Valley for service throughout the Presbytery. With my husband of 33 years, Ken, I live in downtown Columbus. We have an adult son, Kevin, who with his beautiful wife, Amanda, gifted us our first grandchild, Charlie, last September.
Marion Redding Stenner, a Presbyterian minister, graduated from The College of Wooster in 1975, Princeton Theological Seminary in 1980, was ordained here in Scioto Valley Presbytery, at old Liberty Church in June of 1980. I was indebted to The Rev. Hans Klee for much mentoring during the process. I’ve served churches in Vermont and Ohio, including Springdale, Ohio and Fredericktown, Ohio. I have twin children. Alex is a Public Defender in Florida, with his wife, Crystal, and nine-year-old daughter, Ana. His sister Katrina, who is an early childhood educator, is married to Ryan; they are paragliders, and live in Salt Lake City. And we are now grandparents to three new foster-to-adopt children, Raelyn is just eleven, Shon is almost three, and Lucas is almost six months old. About two years ago I reconnected with a college friend, Lt. Gen. (Ret) Charles E. Stenner, Jr. and we were married at the outset of the Covid-19. Charlie has four grown children and ten grandchildren around the country. I’m grateful for this latest evidence of God’s gracious Providence. We are happily living in Marysville.
Peggy J. Holcomb is a Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) with her home church being Dublin Presbyterian. As a CRE she enjoys being able to lead Worship, Communion, Baptisms, and Weddings as well as leadership to any church community in the Scioto Presbytery. Peggy and her husband have three grown children and two dogs. Peggy enjoys reading and boating and watching the kids as they enjoy water skiing! But mostly, she loves to do anything with her family – because that is the fun and joy of life!