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Hoge's Music 

"I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live." Psalm 104:3

Songs written to praise our Lord fill the church beautifully. Choir practice becomes a time of celebration. As choir members we learn a lesson in faith through the words of the tunes that our director selects each weak and each season. He chooses music to fit the season and seems to fit the message of the week. The choir meets every other week and for a dress rehearsal half hour before church service. There is a break in months of June, July and August. The joy of sharing God's praises is the only prerequisite to joining the choir. Now and then we have used a tambourine or a drum to round out our sound. At one time one of our youth joined us to use the tambourine. At Christmas, we have had guest music, such as the violin and harp. We also have clarinetist who provides music at the HM3 and occasionally for church services. 

"Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises." James 5:13

Feeding the Community Physically & Spiritually

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