Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church
2930 W. Broad Street Columbus OH 43204 614-276-5433
The Worship Committee is responsible for assigning communion servers, greeters, and lay readers for each month.
During the four years Rev. Sensenbrenner led us, he secured the ministers to preach at Hoge when he was unavailable.Those who preached include: Rev. Phil Ferguson, Rev. Dave Fleming, Rev. Dean Roush, Rev. Frances Nagy, and Rev. Tom Mori. When Rev. Ed was planning his retirement he put forth an effort to find another church who would be willing to partner with us. The planned benefit to us was a supply of ministers for our congregation. The benefit to the other church was taking part in our established ministries of HM3 and the Food Pantry. One church responded immediately and have been an answer to a prayer since their first visits. That church is Covenant Presbyterian church mentioned on the Friends of Hoge page.
Soup and Service use to be held during the five Wednesdays of Lent following Ash Wednesday. A different theme for the message is chosen each year. Members of the congregation provided a light meal of soup and accompaniment each week.
Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday services are either held at Hoge or are announced to the congregation of other churches in the area.
Palms are ordered and distributed to the congregation on Palm Sunday.
Easter flowers are placed on the altar for Easter Sunday and afterwards distributed to the shut-ins as are the weekly alter flowers.
Poinsettias are ordered and distributed every year at Christmas time.
A special thanks to all those who help decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. Thank you to all those who fill in as Communion servers on Sundays when they were not scheduled and to all those who help clean up after communion.