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The three large windows in the chancel of the sanctuary represent the Holy Trinity. On top of the window on the left the right hand of God as the Creator who began the world and continues to create. The thumb and the two fingers again point to the Trinity. The yellow circle denotes eternity.

Below two scenes in the life of Jesus. The first one the 12 year old Jesus teaching the Scribes in the temple and on the bottom of the window the birth of the Lord with Joseph and Mary.

The window in the center, the largest one of the three, shows us Jesus with an open Bible and the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, he is the beginning and the end, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Around Jesus’ head a circle, either the sun or just a halo. On top of the window the lamb with the flag, the victorious lamb which overcame death.

Below Jesus and the disciples celebrating the Eucharist.

On the right the dove descending from heaven denoting the Holy Spirit. Around its head a golden halo. Below two scenes from Jesus’ life. Jesus sweating blood praying in Gethsemane asking God to remove the bitter cup. “Yet, not my will but yours be done.”

On the bottom of the window Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit is portrayed as a dove hovering over the scene.         

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